Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A new Video... at least it's not 10 MONTHS OVER DUE!

YAY, I finished a new Video! And I'm going to upload it to My Youtube as soon as it's finished rendering.
This one showing my awesome experimenting in an attempt to get the render effect of a 3d Spell Counter.
It is NO EASY TASK, I'm serious that this God Dance it render is not as easy at it seems.
The sphere in which the spell counter symbol is in is a Solid, but you can see through it. It's 100% transparent on the front, but the inner walls are Solid. That part is easy to make, but the small glossy shine on the outside I cannot render properly. It's still some area that's new to me.

Wow, I blogged again... I must really not have anything to do.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wait... what? I'm actually posting a REAL Blog post? WTHeart?

Seriously... I'm posting a REAL blog post.
Everyone knows I don't post news or 'blogs'...

So why now?
Only because I want to experiment and learn about this blogger thing.
And because I want to take part in a event for RayCity which needs me to post up a particular picture on my Blog page.

Why use this for just showing an I&E class when maybe I can use it for... um... wasting more of my valuable time.
So why not, I'll post up random things that waste my time here also... just like I do on Facebook and Youtube.

Meanwhile, if you're Sri Lankan, I highly recommend you sign up and start playing RayCity (from 8th of April onwards) because I want all Sri Lankans to show we're decent racers.
Since the 8th is Election day, YOU WON'T have to worry about what game to play, just start playing RayCity.
Go to now, signup and start downloading the game.