Thursday, October 27, 2011

Because we Won some Movie Tickets

OK I know this is late... (Please don't Eat me) ...but guess what? I won some Movie Tickets! Yes that Survive on an island competition I managed to be the runner up.
SO THIS MEANS, Everyone who Voted for me (I already took down the names) will get COOKIES!

No seriously, Me and Erichan will bake cookies for these nice people (unless she says no, then I will alone bake them)
BAD NEWS, I'm going to take a few weeks before I get started, because I still have stuff to sort out.

Anyway, none are forgotten AND THANKYOU ALL who VOTED FOR ME!

Also those out of the country, yes we STILL have not figured out how to reward you guys. No I cannot airmail cookies.

Facebook Discussion Boards

So by now all the active Fan Page owners, application page devs, and almost none of the non-page moderators know that Facebook will be removing the Discussions area from all Pages. Their reason being that it to help users interact better with the pages and applications by posting on walls.......
The Message all FB page Mods and Admins would see

Personally, I feel they are just stupid for doing that since Wall posts will just get thrown to the bottom.
Oh by the way, I'm a moderator on some FB Pages (well duh' RV is the guy who moderate's his fan page) and I've seen how stupid it is when any Mod/admin/dev has to respond to questions thrown out into the wall... THE SAME BLOODY QUESTION that was asked SO MANY TIMES on the wall... Now imagin when someone comes, looks at the wall and then cannot find that question and POOF they post on the wall the same question we have seen.

I'm telling you FB is going to have a lot more people hating them...

Now for an update... because there was only one discussion area that I really treasured which is now not used. Those that know, know that I was pretty active in the FarmWars discussion area and had one little thread that showcased my "FarmWars" parody fan art.
To view it one last time before the month is over, go here -->
This link will Expire on the 31st of October 2011 because Facebook will remove it...

On the OTHERHAND if you cannot see that link because it has expired (assuming you are reading this now that is after the 31st)... I have posted that entire thread below.

Farm Wars... FanArt...?
Displaying all 10 posts.

Hi to people in the Netherlands...

That's right, I'm saying HI to all the people in the Netherlands... well mainly the ones who are reading this page. Seems like I've caught their attention and had a lot of visits from them. And that's nice... Hi to the Germans who are reading this.

This is just a random blog post because I was trying to post up something else...

Friday, October 21, 2011

3 Survival Foods for 3 Days

3 Survival Foods for 3 Days - A Keells Super competition

So today I was looking up about movie show times and ticket prices. Why? Oh come on, you already know, I don't have to blog about it again... oh wait I didn't blog it did I? OK later I will explain about Eri-chan and all... someday.

Anyway I came across the Keells Super Facebook page and they give away sometimes free tickets.
Today I found that they have a competition and are giving away 6 tickets. WOW I want them all, yes I will share, promise, or else a certain someone will rip me in two.
How it goes is that there are 10 items listed (in image form, no text of the names), from those 10 we must pick 3 items to survive on for 3 days while stranded on an island. We got to be a bit creative, and at the same time explain why we chose them. And I highly doubt there's any rum on that island to use.

So below, is my Entry, which details how I would survive for 3 days on 3 of their 10 listed items.
Trust me, I'm not good with these and maybe my info is a bit wrong but considering I'm one of the people out there who gets low to no pay, going to the movies for free is really one way to enjoy an evening with people. So if you feel I deserve a vote, Like my post/reply on the Facebook page. (HERE, this one...)

A number of the items listed would benefit anyone who needs to survive for 3 days - but lets face it, it could be more than 3 days if not for sea-turtles mate.
But since only 3 items can be picked, it's really hard to choose.

These are the 3 items I think that I could most benefit and survive with for around 3 days based on nutritious facts and how well they can be rationed and under the assumption its 2 nights but 3 full days. Provided the Others have not eaten any of my 3 items.

Fontana Orange Juice
★ To keep Hydrated, but 1 box/carton would last an estimated 3 days or less.
★ a source of Vitamin C
★ Protects against Inflammation, Improves Blood Pressure and Lowers Cholesterol (but not immediately)
★ also Includes Other Nutrients like potassium, thiamine, phosphorus, folate, vitamin B6 and flavonoids
¤ Not recommended if suffering from a Sore Throat. Seriously, it can be painful.

Happy Cow Cheese
★ Can last about 5 days or less since there's no fridge on this island.
★ 100g is about enough per serving.
★ Contains Vitamins A, B12 and D, has protein, a source of Calcium, Includes Phosphorus and Zinc.
㋛ I love cheese, I'd pray I catch some fresh fish, then try to make an open fire. "Grilled Fish Cheese on a stick". Sort of.
¤ It may finish sooner because it's Tasty.

SPC Baked Beans
★ Lasts an estimated 2-3 days if rationed/stored correctly (also depends on the can size).
★ You will feel Full for much longer.
★ High in protein, Low in fat, Rich in fiber
★ Can be eaten uncooked. Lasts less days if cooked.
¤ Not recommended for long term use due to amounts of sodium in canned baked beans - this may Vary by brand and type.
㋛ My least favorite of the selection unless I mix them with something I like, but it's a eat or die survival situation. Maybe I'd use the cheese with this...
¤ May cause some gassy noises, probable entertainment for the 3 days.

Why did I not pick any of the other items on the list?
You can ask me and find out later when I post up about it on my blog (after the competition). I do have good reasons why I wouldn't pick the others, although I like to pick some of the others, but then I feel I may only last a single day.

Click here to see the Wall Post entry...
Click here to see the why I didn't pick the other 7 items... (Link not yet available, coming soon)

Was RV Lazy for not blogging?

As stated in the title, NO I'm NOT LAZY! ok maybe I'm a bit.
I've been very busy lately doing... I cannot mention just yet. I'll tell you later. But I have been writing blog posts about LuckySpace, The Sims Social, Zombie Misfits, Wonderputt, even a site called 4Loot. Where are they? They are half done and saved in my blogger account until I click on the publish buttons. But all of that I'll be posting up later.
Right now I am still debating on working on the "13 Days to Halloween" segment that I try to do each year, and it's already 4 Days passed, meaning I just may have to skip out on this year also.
So in a way I will confirm it now, There Is No Inpachi Rising 2 coming out this year. Since there are no new models completed, and the old completed models still have a lot of bugs in their animations (Man-eating Treasure Chest seems to have a very Mr.Fantastic stretch to it's tongue). Even the costume I had planned 11 months before to build this year had not begun.

Anyway, Right now I have to post my most important blog post for today... It's my entry for a competition. Read it after this post.... assuming you read blog posts in chronological order like no one else does...