Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SpaceBucks and FB Credits

Last week ABitLucky concluded their small competition on their game LuckySpace (hey where's that blog post I was supposed to do about LS?) which had the players all targeting for a highscore to grab the top 3 ranks to earn some SpaceBucks (SB is the ingame Cash currency to buy pretty much anything ingame).
And guess what, I was one of the top 3. And I barely played, and it seems that no one lost sleep trying to play the challenge. So this has me wondering why no one got a score higher than mine, and why no one had a score even close... But still the interesting thing is that it's all thanks to friends and other players of LuckySpace, because they were actively playing that it made all the difference in score. The games mechanics is dependent on other players playing so that they can assist you immediately... the more that play, the easier and quicker the assist are and thus you gain a leading advantage...

So if I ever get 3 days to myself where I can stay in front of the computer 24/7... then you can be sure I will do that again.
So for my luck, I got 300SB and it was added to my ingame account this morning...
On top of that, I won a TShirt and a signed Landscape image from ABitLucky... I seem to be winning a lot lately but is it as good as I expect? Remember Last year when I won a free game on Steam, only to discover that I cannot play it here because of the improper hardware... oh wait I didn't tell anyone about it. Well now you know.

Meanwhile, I also earned FaceBook Credits, from a site called... 4Loot. YES 4Loot does work.
For some reason, anyone from SL cannot seem to access the site unless they find some other means to access the site.

For this reason I will make some video tutes and links to help those that want to earn some FB Credits from the methods I found the easiest. But note that this is not some fast cash method, it takes some time, and for me it took about 2 months to earn 25FB credits because I didn't test this out everyday, just over time.

Anyway that's my update on some free stuff that I earned by doing other stuff... after all, nothing is free.
Off to go win some more movie tickets, hope I get Lucky...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cookies: Coming Soon...

Sounds like a Movie... maybe I will make a movie about it.
My Precious...less... tickets...

I know it's Still LATE... and I'm hoping everyone does not have to wait till next year to get these, but the goal is to bake cookies for Christmas (at least no later than New Year).
As I said, everyone who voted and helped us win those movie tickets gets a batch of cookies baked by me (Erichan is busy this month due to the Christmas sales. Yes she's an Elf) even if we never got to use them... I mailed them to my sister who was just in time to enjoy watching "In Time" just before the tickets expired.
Nearest... nearly 2 hours away...

So here's some photos of the tickets. Next time I hope we get to win tickets to watch a movie closer to our town... Yes I really wish they were clearer early on about where we can use them, otherwise I would have let my sister pick them up in Colombo rather than have them sent all the way up to Kandy just to be sent back down. Oh well, can't blame them since I didn't ask.
Erichan was disappointed...

But there's a good question I have to ask... why the bloody hell can't we ever get some good English movies up here at theaters. The last movie they had in English that was decently good was many months ago for about 4 or 5 days only. Someday, I'll probably have to run my own mini-theater with a wider range of movies... (probably old B&W movies that no one else likes)