Friday, April 2, 2010

58 April Fools

Last night was indeed one of the best April Fools day I've had.

But due to work I had only targeted "Selected" groups with 3 simple pranks.
The first one I've had planned for many months... and that is getting Facebookers to wish me for my birthday. Yeah... Sure, like they didn't notice the "Hint" I had posted up. The hint being the Year, so obviously it wasn't my real birthday because at the age of 99 how the heck do you expect me to embrace facebook. Pranked 11 people.
The second also I had planned a while back but didn't get down to it until I had some free time this week. Youtubers or anyone from outside coming in and watching my New Video... which got them Rick Rolled. Since it's still the first of April in other parts of the world, the view count may still go up. Last checked, Pranked 14 people.

The final one was epic and a last minute idea. A lot of us wanted to get a DJ to sing on Maple-Radio, and I thought I could take the opportunity to trick the DJ into thinking they could snag me to sing on air. So I "Accidentally" said that I would sing if the DJ sang. And what do you know, everyone took the bait. So I recorded a song, sent it in, and when it aired, everyone listening in got Rick Rolled. And according to the listener count from the radio, it was 33 Listeners Pranked.

Not bad for pre-planned pranks. I didn't do a single "At the moment upfront live" April Fools trick to anyone, because too much work through the entire day. And it seems barely anyone attempted to prank me. Only 2 or 3 people tried but I was unaffected or too busy to bother with them. I assumed they may have been legit attempts to the tasks at hand but who knows.
But yeah, probably the best April fools day in Years for me.

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